Grants Pass Bears!
Let's go bear hunting in Grants Pass, Oregon! The home of Henderson's Line-Up and SuperSteer Parts, Grants Pass offers many unique outdoor pursuits, including jet-boat rides, rafting and much more!
SuperSteer Kart Racing!
In Southern Oregon, folks take their go kart racing seriously, and none more seriously than the Henderson brothers, especially Robert who was won 1st place for each of the last 4 seasons. If you want some fast fun, down low to the ground be sure to check this out, and remember Roberts secret to success is "he who steers less, wins". He certainly knows all about steering and he is a champion on and off the track!
Crucial Conversations
At Henderson's Line-Up, you never know what unexpected surprise awaits you. Robert and Barbara Henderson are certified trainers with VitalSmarts and excellent facilitators of the extremely popular Crucial Conversations training program. Call ahead and reserve your spot while having your motorhome worked on. In this video, attendees share their experience after having gone through this training.
More About Kart Racing from SuperSteer
If you enjoy fast moving go karts, you will enjoy this!
Operation Christmas Child
Every year, Henderson's Line-Up and SuperSteer rally hundreds of people to pack thousands of shoe boxes full of treats and school supplies, hygiene items and light clothing. Working with local churches, radio stations and citizens of goodwill, the folks of Grants Pass link arms with Operation Christmas Child to make a difference in millions of lives in poverty stricken areas all over the world.