Posted on 11/1/2020
As November arrives and the holidays drawn nearer, many RV owners consider making long trips to see family in the RV, or just taking their holidays completely on the road. Traveling through the holidays has extra considerations. Fatigue, danger, weather-- these are all issues to a holiday RVer. But RVing through your holidays has amazing perks, too. You carry with you personal space and a door you can shut, which can be such a blessing when visiting your extended family and in-laws. And with a little decorating and work, you can make this space a safe haven of Christmas for just your family. And it’s such a binding experience for the whole family. A huge part of the fun of such a trip is the planning of it, and gearing up, stocking the RV, and working out where you’ll visit along the way. As you plan a holiday RVing adventure, there are some fundamental things to consider: Know the roads. When you are planning on adventuring in your RV for some Holiday t ... read more