Posted on 4/22/2010
With the volatile fuel prices we’ve been experiencing over the last couple of years, along with a floundering economy, many RVers have been turning their attention to pick-up trucks and campers rather than large motorhomes. Campers are a great alternative, as they are comparatively light weight, maneuverable, and still allow you to tow a boat or trailer. However, trucks that haul a camper, pull a trailer or just carry heavy loads from time to time could benefit from some well-conceived suspension modifications. Using air bags, such as those offered by Air Lift, Firestone and Pacbrake are a great start, but even with these in place, handling is usually far from ideal. When a customer comes into our shop, the first thing we’ll start with is a Road Performance Assessment (RPA) to determine the extent of the truck’s handling issues. Trucks that carry campers often suffer from what we call “tail wagging the dog”. Also common in motorhomes with large rear overhangs, the prob ... read more